
Start of school holiday on 18th May 2024

We are expecting a lot of travellers at the start of the holidays in Baden-Württemberg. Please arrive in time for travel, check-in and security checks. Travellers are advised to arrive at the airport at least 2 hours, but no more than 3 hours before departure. Find more tips  at our travel season site.

With about 1,000 employees Stuttgart Airport (Flughafen Stuttgart GmbH) is one of the largest organizations at the airport. Yet, air travel is made possible by more than 300 businesses, institutions and public authorities, that work hand in hand at the airport. As a responsible employer, the airport operator positively contributes to local value creation and common welfare. Skilled and motivated employees are the foundation of our success. We create a working environment that offers opportunities, rewards achievements and that is characterized by fairness, mutual respect and equal opportunities. This fairport idea reaches beyond the airport fences and also determines collaborations with customers, suppliers and other partners.

One code for everybody

Healthy and save working environment

The safety and health of our employees is crucial to us. With campaigns of our corporate health management we stimulate the well-being of our staff. Our ground service employees have physically demanding tasks. This is why they receive special attention in terms of work safety, especially with regards to ergonomics at work. In order to create an appropriate balance Stuttgart Airport promotes workplace health offers. They range from trainings in our fitness studio to massages and physical therapy with experienced sports scientists.
