
Start of school holiday on 18th May 2024

We are expecting a lot of travellers at the start of the holidays in Baden-Württemberg. Please arrive in time for travel, check-in and security checks. Travellers are advised to arrive at the airport at least 2 hours, but no more than 3 hours before departure. Find more tips  at our travel season site.

Terminal information

The terminal information employees are the first point of contact for passengers and visitors that need help at the airport or have any questions.

Terminal 3, departure
Opening hours: 4 am to 12 pm

Service employees

Service employees will help passengers with questions concerning the check-in process at the self-service check-in facilities.

Terminal 1 and 3, departure

CAll centre

The call centre employees answer questions asked by callers every day of the year. The Infotelefon can be reached from 8 am - 8 pm under the following number +49 711 948-0. Furthermore, the contact form can also be used for queries.

Call centre

+49 711948-0

Lost property

Have you forgotten something at the gate, in the apron bus or in one of our shops? For items lost at Stuttgart Airport, the airport security staff is the correct contact. Lost property is kept there for a certain period of time.

Lost property office: west in front of Terminal 1

If you have lost your baggage, please contact the Baggage tracing office.

