
Start of school holiday on 18th May 2024

We are expecting a lot of travellers at the start of the holidays in Baden-Württemberg. Please arrive in time for travel, check-in and security checks. Travellers are advised to arrive at the airport at least 2 hours, but no more than 3 hours before departure. Find more tips  at our travel season site.

At Stuttgart Airport there is a station of the regional bike rental system Regiorad Stuttgart. This is located directly next to the Stuttgart Airport Busterminal SAB. Three bicycles and two pedelecs are available. The borrowed bikes can be returned at all Regiorad stations in the region. In the immediate vicinity of the airport there are numerous pick-up points, e.g. in Leinfelden-Echterdingen, Filderstadt, Wolfschlugen and Ostfildern.


Regiorad Stuttgart (in German)